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Characteristics of microwave sterilization equipment

Characteristics of microwave sterilization equipment (Kimberly microwave equipment)

The working environment of the equipment has low temperature and low noise, which greatly improves the working conditions. Only 2-3 people are needed to operate the whole set of microwave equipment. It is widely used in the heating, drying and sterilization of beef jerky, pork jerky, fish fillets, sauced meat, duck meat, chicken and other products. After microwave sterilization, the freshness, tenderness and flavor of meat products remain the same, and the hygiene index can be completely lower than the national food hygiene standard.

1. Short time and fast speed

Conventional thermal sterilization is to transfer heat from the surface of food to the interior through heat conduction, convection or radiation. It often takes a long time to reach the sterilization temperature. Microwave sterilization is the direct interaction between microwave energy and food, bacteria and other microorganisms. Thermal effect and non thermal effect work together to achieve rapid temperature rise sterilization. The processing time is greatly shortened. The sterilization effect of various materials is generally in 3-5 minutes.

2. Low temperature sterilization to maintain nutrients and traditional flavor

Microwave sterilization is through special thermal and non thermal effects. Compared with conventional thermal sterilization, microwave sterilization can achieve the desired disinfection and sterilization effect in a relatively low temperature and a short time. The results showed that the general sterilization temperature of 75-80 ℃ can achieve the effect, in addition, microwave treatment of food can retain more nutrients and color, aroma, taste, shape and other flavor, and has puffing effect. For example, the vitamin C content of vegetables treated by conventional heating is 46-50%, while that of vegetables treated by microwave is 60-90%. The vitamin a content of pork liver treated by conventional heating is 58%, while that of vegetables treated by microwave is 84%.

3. Energy saving

Conventional thermal sterilization often results in heat loss in environment and equipment, while microwave directly processes food, so there is no additional heat loss. In addition, the conversion efficiency from electric energy to microwave energy is 70-80%, which can save 30-50% in general.

4. Both the surface and the interior work at the same time

Conventional thermal sterilization starts from the surface of the material, and then transfers to the interior through heat conduction. In order to maintain the flavor of food and shorten the processing time, the internal temperature of food often does not reach enough, which affects the sterilization effect. Because of the penetrating effect of microwave, both the surface and the interior of the food are affected at the same time, so the disinfection is uniform and thorough.

5. Easy to control

Microwave food sterilization treatment, equipment can be used immediately, no thermal inertia of conventional thermal sterilization, flexible and convenient operation, microwave power can be continuously adjusted from zero to rated power, transmission speed can be continuously adjusted from zero, easy to control.

6. Simple equipment and advanced technology

Compared with conventional disinfection and sterilization, microwave sterilization equipment does not need boilers, complex piping systems, coal yards and transport vehicles, as long as it has the basic conditions of water and electricity.




No.1, Dazhong Pioneer Park, Liuhe District, Nanjing,Jiangsu ,China

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